
Hi, friends. My name is Stephen Bobbett. I’m a brand and marketing director. On nights and weekends, I’m an illustrator, writer, and animator. I like geeking out about media, culture, art, and communications. I’m currently based in New England.

I post new blogs here and on Ko-Fi Mon-Wed-Fri, and I stream on Twitch Sat-Sun 10am EST. If you’d like to support my creative work:


I stream on Twitch as FancySchmancy, an eldritch undersea gentleman on a scholarly quest to draw every creature in the multiverse. Join me Saturday mornings EST to suggest what creatures I draw, and Sunday mornings EST for crosswords and chitchat.

Recent Posts

The Fancyrithm: March 7, 2025
Like you, I'm getting tired of bad algorithmic recommendations. So I've devised my own: the Fancyrithm. This algorithm exists only in my brain, and it has only two filters: 1) …
Hope, Horror, Heartache: A Review of Outer Wilds
There's a part of me that doesn't want you to read this review of Outer Wilds. It's not because I didn't enjoy the game—in fact, it's one of the best …
The FancySchmancy Creature Feature: Frigid
It's March in New England, which means winter has yet to wane. I spent a few icy days in Boston for a trade show a couple of weeks ago, so …
The FancySchmancy Creature Feature: Angler Fish
A couple of weeks ago I finished playing the game Outer Wilds, in which angler fish play an outsized and terrifying role. Simultaneously, a black seadevil captivated the world by …
The Gatekeepers Are Not On Our Side
(1,101 words, 6 min read time) Sometimes I encounter a photograph from American history that burns itself into my brain, like the floaters you get from glimpsing at the sun …
Gulper Eel
Rudolph the Red-Butt Wriggler is here just in time for the Christmas season.
A Defense—or an Elegy—for the Em Dash
My favorite punctuation mark is now a harbinger of generative AI. That won't stop me from using it—or writing anything in general.
Creature Feature: Snowmen
Behold the forsaken frosty beasts from the latest episode of the Fancy Schmancy Creature Feature.
Bluesky Isn’t What You Think It Is
The new social media platform could be more than just a Twitter escape hatch, but only if the dream of a decentralized protocol is fully realized and accessible.

Please note, any opinions expressed on this website are my own and not those of my employers or clients, past or present.